Isaiah 58:1 says "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins."
The prophet is instructed by Yahweh to scream to the people, those especially in power who practice absurd hypocrisy. They proclaim a national religious faith but practice oppression. They have good worship, fast, bend their knees and bow their heads to pray yet they do nothing for the hungry, hurting and harassed. Their religious practices offend God because the policies of the administration pulverize the poor and God seems to be saying "Enough is Enough!!!"
We have witnessed the absurd arrogance afflicting the affluent in Arizona this past couple weeks. First 1070 is passed which in its vagueness leaves vulnerable the voiceless to Racial Profiling. In the guise of guarding against so-called "Illegal Immigrants" the governor of the State sacrificed sensible sound judgement by stigmatizing a segment of the American society. Then to add insult to injury she offers another piece of legislation that bans "Cultural Studies" in the public schools. The bold bigotry of these bills is beyond belief. While they are aiming at the Hispanic community in particular the spray from this shotgun of hate shatters all our lives. When people are disallowed the right to study their culture it is a crime against the humanity of that people. No Latino/Latina studies, no African and African American studies, no Jewish Studies, no Japanese studies, no Chinese studies, no polish studies and no Native American studies and the country was stolen from them.
What further complicates this context is that polls are being produced that say a so-called majority of Americans support this Racist legislation. I want to suggest that there is a tidal wave of Hegemony washing away the moral fiber of this nation. This wave is being surfed by media hate mongers like Rush Limbaugh (the real leader of the Republican party), Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coultre, and Sarah Palin. This blaze of Bigotry is being fanned by a right wing republican mindset of "Do any and everything" to stop the first democratically elected President of the U.S. by any means necessary. These obstructionist have spewed dis-respect unknown to any other American President. They have supported by their silence a "Tea party" and its distorted images of hate stoking the embers of evil with code words of armed violence, i.e, "Reload" Beloved a Fever of Fear is affecting this nation. People have been soaked in the the salty waters of worry by scare mongers. As Colin Powell stated we face a "Terror Industrial Complex." The fear that has been irresponsibly fomented is further dividing people while the fear mongers are making money. The military contractors have made billions while innocents on both sides of the ocean have died. Fear has put a nation on edge raising anxiety levels of all Americans. Fear of economic disaster; fear of losing homes; fear of losing businesses; fear of folks who are different. Fear beloved has become big business! That is why 1070 and the actions of Arizona's Governor is so afflicting. It feeds and fuels more Fear!
If the Corporate Controlled media will not do honest reporting and call it what it is "White Supremacist," Jingoistic, Hegemonic hate then we must. Black media must call it what it is and not let so-called liberal whites make them feel ashamed. Black media must "name the demon, to tame the demon." Black media cannot let scared, assimilationist African Americans hush them up. Too much is at stake!
Black organizations must keep the pressure on this polluted vile political climate. It is time for those historic organizations who fought so valiantly in the past to bring suits, sit ins and resources to counter the Racist Rhetoric ruining lives.
It is especially time for Black people of faith (all Faith traditions) to "Cry Loud and Spare not." No Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Temple or place of worship should be silent. "Enough is Enough!" Arizona's draconian legislation is catching on in other states just like the loony lawsuits states have entered in against "Health care Reform." Did any of you ever think you would live to see a day when American politicians would seek not only to stop Health Care but now campaign on repealing it? Absurd!!! Health care for the least of these? Did not Jesus say "I was hungry and you fed me, Naked and you clothed me, thirsty and you gave me drink, sick and you visited me?" Did not Jesus say "As you have done it to the least of these you have done it to me?" How then can a country whose National Narrative says that we are a Christian nation act so callously contrary to the calling of that Christ? Absurd! Enough is Enough! Those who pray and profess a faith but are passive in this political predatory climate commit the same sham that Isaiah spoke against in the 8th century. Let facebook, Myspace, blogs and websites wail, scream, holler, Cry Loud Enough is Enough! Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. has a closing word here, "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends!"
Saturday, May 15, 2010
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