Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sistah's Gotta Work it out

Philippians 4:2-3(The Message) "I urge Euodia and Syntche to iron out their differences and make up. God doesn't want his children holding grudges. And, oh, yes, Syzygus, since you're right here to help them work things out, do your best with them. These women worked for the message hand in hand with Clement and me, and with the other veterans - worked as hard as any of us. Remember, their names are also in the book of life."

The Sistah's that Paul refers to in this letter to the church that worshipped in Philippi had a falling out. They were at odds with each other which resulted in broken fellowship. There is nothing more sad than when two followers of that man from Galilee get on each others nerves. It is a sour situation when the faithful end up fighting one another. Euodia and Syntche were estranged in the company of Kindred hearts.

Yet please note that the African Apostle Paul did not Illuminate the Issue that caused the enmity. Why, my best theological supposition is that it didn't matter what the issue was. That is extremely helpful to us in the 21st century. Whatever the issues we have with one another are not important in the plan of God. In other words whatever your particular personality difference is with your co-laborer in the congregation of Jesus Christ is not a concern of the Kingdom, it is a concern of yours. Which begs the question whose concerns are most essential for the deliverance of God's people, yours or God's? Who would dare think that God is going to suspend his salvation work because you are "stuck like Chuck" over what someone said or didn't say to you? Do you think God is going to put his Hope in a holding pattern for those living in the hell of no Health Insurance, no living wage and their jobs shipped overseas for sweatshops because you have a disagreement about the color of Choir robes, whose name got called or space in the church?

Paul did not illustrate the issue because whatever the personality issue was it was not important to the Eternal. It was not about who was right or wrong about an issue that had nothing to do with giving hope to the hopeless,help to the helpless and love to the unloved of the community and world!

Secondly Paul did not take sides but exhorted both Sistahs to invest in Repairing the relationship. Paul told them to iron out their differences and make up. Paul did not lean one way or the other because neither had any Jesus ground to stand on. Beloved we are expected to make peace with each another when we get perturbed with one another. Jesus said in Matthew 5 "that when you offer your gift at the altar and remember the your brother (or sister) who has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother (or sister); then come and offer your gift." Your worship is not worthy until you make the attempt to reconcile with the person who is upset with you. It is not up to you that they receive the honest, heartfelt desire to be in community but it is up to you to sincerely offer it. Paul said in II Corinthians 5 that "we all have the ministry of Reconciliation..." If you believe that you are right on a personality issue with another believer then "Let your mind be the same as Christ Jesus who HUMBLED himself and became obedient unto death..." Our standard is not each other but Jesus! Whatever your issue be like Christ and limit your want, desire or need to be right for the ministry of Jesus Christ and not the other person Per Se.

Finally Paul told Syzygus to help the Sistahs work it out. Which says the the community has an equal responsibility to help repair the breach in relationship. Those of you who have direct or indirect knowledge of God's people at odds with one another Must intercede on behalf of the Eternal and not either side. You may be friends, you maybe "Cut Buddies" you may be "Ace Boon Coons" but that should not taint you bringing the two together. Your loyalty in Jesus is not family, friends, Cliques, or like minded members, it is to none other than Jesus and Jesus only! Why because these Sistahs had each served at the side of Paul unselfishly. They had both sacrificed for the ministry of our Lord and Master magnanimously, and their names are also written in the Lambs Book of Life. Their lives, their labors, their legacies were too important to leave in this state. The Late Justice R. Eugene Pincham used to tell my pastor Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., that "Jesus did not come to earth to make heaven better." Jesus has called on us to make this planet better and we do that by starting with the brother or Sistah we see every day who have separated over simple issues. Beloved, Be The Sermon you Seek to See, So that when you See yourself in the mirror you can Identify with that Sermon! The best sermons bring God's people together on "One Accord" like in the Acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles chapters 2-4! If you claim to be a Child of the King then start by bringing the beloved back together in your Branch of Zion!

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